Biomedpress Deposits Content in Portico

Biomedpress has begun depositing its digital content in the Portico archive since July 2024, to guarantee long-term digital preservation of its Open Access e-journals.


Clarivate Journal Citation Reports 2024

Clarivate Plc has released the 2024 update to the Journal Citation Reports (JCR). The reports provide a comprehensive resource of high-quality journals, ranked by field to enable academic institutions, researchers and publishers to gauge the significance of journals in the global research landscape. Changes to journal rankings include the addition of the Emerging Sources Citation Index.

Only journals that have met the rigorous quality standards for inclusion in the Web of Science Core Collection are featured within the Journal Citation Reports, to ensure that users can confidently rely on the information and descriptive data provided. The annual reports provide a rich array of publisher–independent data, metrics and analysis to enhance user understanding of journal performance, including the widely recognised Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and the Journal Citation Indicator. 

Free to publish in a Web of Science and Scopus indexed journal

Biomedical Research and Therapy - a prestigious open-access journal that serves as a beacon of excellence in the field of biomedical research and therapy. As a leading publication in the field, we are dedicated to fostering innovation and exploration in medicine by providing a platform for researchers, clinicians, and scientists to share their groundbreaking findings with the global scientific community.

Publishing with Biomedical Research and Therapy offers a myriad of benefits. Firstly, our open-access policy means that your research will be freely available to readers worldwide, maximizing the impact of your work and facilitating knowledge dissemination. Furthermore, being indexed in reputable databases such as Web of Science and Scopus enhances the visibility and credibility of your research, ensuring that it reaches a wide audience of peers, collaborators, and potential funders.

Biomedical Research and Therapy journal has been accepted for indexing in the Scopus database

Dear author,

I am pleased to inform you that Biomedical Research and Therapy journal has been accepted for indexing in the Scopus database (by Elsevier). This indexing will provide a great opportunity for the journal to disseminate high-quality works to readers worldwide.

2024 Journal Citation Reports: Changes in Journal Impact Factor category rankings to enhance transparency and inclusivity

We will move from edition-specific category JIF rankings to unified rankings for each of our 229 science and social science categories.

We will no longer provide separate JIF rankings for the nine subject categories that are indexed in multiple editions. For example, the Psychiatry category is included in both Science Citation Index – Expanded (SCIE)™ and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)™ and we currently publish a separate Psychiatry ranking for each edition. We will replace these separate rankings with a single, unified ranking.

Additionally, the new unified rankings will include journals indexed in ESCI. Using Psychiatry once again as our example – we will display a single Psychiatry ranking that includes journals indexed in SCIE, SSCI and ESCI.

Biomedical Research and Therapy receives its first impact factor of 0.8 (Q3)

We are pleased to share that Biomedical Research and Therapy (ISSN: 2198-4093) has received its first Impact Factor of 0.8 in the Journal Citation Reports? (Clarivate) in June 2023. 

Biomedical Research and Therapy continues to be indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) within the Web of Science Core Collection. This is the first time that Clarivate has awarded Impact Factors to journals outside of the core flagship indices, SCIE and SSCI, creating greater transparency around the citedness of ESCI-indexed journals. 

Call for editors of Biomedical Research and Therapy

Biomedical Research and Therapy seeks applications from enthusiastic researchers and scholars who can oversee and maintain the editorial direction of the journal to ensure a steady flow of engaging and thought-provoking original research publications.

Aims & Scope of Biomedical Research and Therapy updated

Biomedical Research and Therapy (ISSN 2198-4093) was published by Springer in Global Science Journals from 2014-2015, and BioMedPress from 2016 to now. As a result of a revolution, and to improve the journal quality, the publisher decided to revise the aims and scope of Biomedical Research and Therapy.

Ready to submit your next paper?

Biomedical Research and Therapy is calling for manuscripts

Could your research be a good fit for the journal? Find out how you can benefit from publishing with us.


Biomedical Research and Therapy uses new output style for references

From Issue 4, Vol 5 (2018), BMRAT uses the reference style of VANCOUVER style. You should use reference manager software such as Endnote during the manuscript preparation.  And then format reference with Vancouver style. 


Biomedical Research and Therapy journal invites proposals for special issues

The Biomedical Research and Therapy invites proposals for special issues, especially on the following themes:

- Cells based therapies for cancers

- Targeting therapy

- Nanomedicine


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