Biomedpress Deposits Content in Portico

Biomedpress has begun depositing its digital content in the Portico archive since July 2024, to guarantee long-term digital preservation of its Open Access e-journals.


Portico is a community-supported digital preservation service for electronic journals, e-books and other digital academic content. Portico provides libraries and publishers with reliable preservation of electronic resources, and contributes expertise and technical assistance to national libraries, ensuring that their content will be accessible to researchers, scholars, and students in the future. Portico focuses on the long-term management of stored content. When online academic content was no longer hosted or available, Portico saw it as a "trigger event". For subscription journals, more than 1,000 participating libraries in Portico will be granted access if trigger events occur; for Open Access journals, content will be provided to everyone free of charge.


Copyright 2014-2024 Biomedpress. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. A partner of Crossref.

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