Aims and Scope


Biomedical Research and Therapy - Vietnamese Journal for Medical Biotechnology and Medicine Incorporating Advances in Regenerative Medicine is dedicated to publishing high-quality, open access research articles. Our focus is on basic, translational, and clinical research into molecular therapeutics and cellular therapies. This includes coverage of animal models and clinical trials. Our rigorous peer-review process ensures that only scientifically, technically, and ethically sound research that adheres to standard reporting guidelines is accepted for publication.

We publish original research spanning new concepts in human biology and disease pathogenesis to comprehensive preclinical studies foundational for new therapeutic approaches and drug development. Our scope extends to all phases of clinical research and innovative technologies designed to enhance human health.

Our current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Gene and cell therapies
- Clinical genomics
- Regenerative medicine
- High-definition medicine
- The impact of environmental factors on human health
- The application of artificial intelligence in healthcare
- Early disease diagnosis
- Microbiome research
- Studies on aging

This journal serves as a platform for advancing the understanding of medical biotechnology's role in improving health outcomes, aiming to bridge the gap between laboratory research and clinical application.


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