Preparation of Manuscripts

Biomedical Research and Therapy (ISSN 2198-4093) is the major forum for basic and translational research into therapies. An international peer-reviewed journal, it publishes high quality open access research articles with a special emphasis on basic, translational and clinical research into molecular therapeutics and cellular therapies, including animal models and clinical trials.

The journal also provides reviews, viewpoints, commentaries and reports. Please note that Research, Commentary, Correction, Editorial, Letter and Review are usually commissioned, but suggestions for these article types are welcome.

The instructions for authors includes information about preparing a manuscript for submission to Biomedical Research and Therapy, criteria for publication and the online submission process. Other relevant information about the journal's policies.

Biomedical Research and Therapy publishes the following article types:

>>> Research articles 

>>>  Commentaries

>>>  Corrections

>>>  Editorials 

>>> Letters 

>>> Reviews 

>>>  Methodologies 

>>>  Case Reports 

>>> Short Reports


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Authors and referees are asked to declare any competing interests. Copyright for articles rests with the authors.


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