Publication ethics


BMRAT endorses and applies the standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which promotes integrity in peer-reviewed research publications.

Experimental research on humans must follow internationally recognised guidelines. A statement to this effect must appear in the Ethical Considerations section of the manuscript, including the name of the body that gave approval, with a reference number where appropriate. Informed consent must also be documented. Manuscripts will be rejected if the editorial office considers that the research has not been carried out within an ethical framework (e.g. if the severity of the experimental procedure is not justified by the value of the knowledge gained.)


The author should aim to post answers to the following questions:


Plagiarism: It should be noted that salami publishing and parallel publishing detract from the innovative nature of research findings. The journal publisher is a member of the iThenticate and Grammarly plagiarism detection initiative. In the event of suspected plagiarism in submitted works iThenticate, Grammarly, is available to the editors of the BMRAT to detect instances of overlapping and similar text.


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