BMRAT Awards

BMRAT  bestows 1 annual publication award:

These awards recognize the most outstanding research manuscript and clinical practice articles published in BMRAT within a calendar year. All published papers are automatically considered for these awards; no formal nomination is needed.

The awards are presented every 2-year at the International Conference in Innovations in Cancer Research and Regenerative Medicine and announced on this website.


Criteria for Awards

The BMRAT Excellence in Research Award recognizes the best article published within the category of research reports, including systematic literature reviews and brief reports. The procedures for these awards are described below.



Purpose: To recognize the authors of the most outstanding articles published in BMRAT within these 2 categories.


  1. All articles authored and published in BMRAT during a calendar year are eligible.
  2. Any manuscript authored by a member of the BMRAT Board of Directors, the BMRAT Editor-in-Chief, the BMRAT Editors, or any of the BMRAT Associate Editors is not eligible.
  3. Members of the International Editorial Review Board are eligible for the awards.
  4. All published papers are automatically considered for the awards; therefore, no formal nomination is needed.

Criteria for selection of the BMRAT Excellence in Research Award:

  1. The importance of the contribution of the manuscript to the clinical or basic science.
  2. The relevance of the manuscript to biomedical or clinical practice.
  3. The quality of the research question, methodology, and interpretation/synthesis of the findings with the existing literature.
  4. The quality of the writing.

Award committee: For each award, the committee consists of:

  1. The BMRAT Editor-in-Chief
  2. Two BMRAT Editors or Associate Editors (to be selected by the Editor-in-Chief)

Notification of award: The recipient of each award will be notified promptly after selection (early January following the year of publication).

Nature of the award:





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